April 2023 Minutes

Town of Eileen

28850 Eileen Town Hall Road,  Ashland, WI 54806 townofeileen.org

Chairperson – Marty Milanowski (715) 746-2484                           Supervisor – Skip Radosevich (715) 682-6514

Supervisor – James Kmetz {715) 746-2292                                        Treasurer – Carol Pufall (715) 682-9168

Office-Donna Anderson (715) 209-8218

Tuesday   April 11, 2023 Meeting Minutes

Started at 6:00PM @ 28850 Eileen Town Hall Road, Ashland, WI 54806

Town of Eileen Conference Hall

Meeting called to order by Marty Milanowski, Chairperson. Pledge of Allegience.

Board Members Present:

Marty Milanowski, Chairperson- Skip Radosevich, Supervisor James Kmetz Supervisor

Carol Pufall, Treasurer

Donna Anderson Office

7 Attendees

Review of minutes from the Tuesday March 14, 2023 regular meeting.

A motion to accept the March 14, 2023 minute was made by  Skip Radosevich and a second by Jim

Kmetz. Motion carried.

Carol Pufall, Town Treasurer, gave overview of town’s finances. Checking account balance is

$134,912.88. Money market account is at $25,455.17 and Covid recovery fund is at $30,646.83. The tractor brusher payment of $19,801.41 was made leaving a balance of $77,698.59 plus interest.

Transportation Aid of $29,821.10 was also received and is reflected in the checking account balance.

Skip Radosevich,, Town Supervisor;  Skip had nothing more to report on the bathrooms as other than some staining and replacing light fixtures and putting up mirrors they are completed.

James Kmetz:  Town Supervisor; Jim reported on the progress of the work being done on the equipment. The garage crew are in the process of changing over the equipment from winter to spring use.  There are a couple minor issues that will need to be addressed such and a crack in a window and a light that will

need to be replaced. Everything is in good shape.

Donna Anderson Office.  Voting turn out for the April 4th election went very well. There were 175 voters for the election. We received an email from our Town website thanking the snowplow crew for the great work they are doing.  Dot will be working on the Fish Creek bridge on US2 again this year. The bookkeeping system that the Town is using will discontinue its support of the 2020 version which we

are currently using. This will force us to go to an online version.  Discussion will be held with the new elected clerk as to which way she would like to proceed with this change.

Old Business:   None

New Business:     None

Public Input:  Mason and Jodi Neimi had sent an email to the Town with concerns with the Raspotnik road not being plowed after the last two back to back snow storms.   They were concerned about the thousands of dollars they had lost in their syrup making business that is in the Town of Eileen, because they could not access their property.   Chairman Marty Milanowski had explained that there were several attempts to go and open up the road.

There was a danger to the equipment of being stuck and also tearing up the road so that it would become impassable during the spring thaw.  The Neimis would like to see more improvements made to the road as they plan to build there some day.

Mark Schneeberger asked if Jenny was staying on as our assessor?    Marty said yes.  Mark had concerns

as to what the situation is on reservation land that has been taken out of our tax base. This issue is in the hands of the courts.

A motion to pay bills was made by Skip Radosevich and a Second by James Kmetz.  Motion carried

A motion to adjourn was made by James Kmetz and a second by Skip Radosevich. Motion carried.


Minutes prepared Donna Anderson Office