April 2024 Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, April 9, 2024 – Meeting Minutes

Started at 6:00 PM @ 28850 Eileen Town Hall Road, Ashland, WI 54806

Town of Eileen Conference Hall

Meeting called to order by Marty Milanowski, Chairperson. Pledge of Allegiance.

Board Members Present:

Marty Milanowski, Chairperson

Skip Radosevich, Supervisor

Kathy Johanik, Supervisor

Carol Pufall, Treasurer

Shannon Schneeberger, Clerk

4 attendees

Review of minutes from the March 12, 2024, regular meeting.

A motion to accept the March 12, 2024, minutes was made by Kathy Johanik, Skip Radosevich seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Treasurer report – Carol Pufall, Town Treasurer, gave an overview of the town’s finances. Checking account is at $119,009.39. Money market account is at $26,000.79. Carol is renewing her notary license. Her printer also needed to be replaced to do her work for the township.

Supervisor report – Skip Radosevich reported that the mailbox at the town garage should now be fixed with the reinforcements he made to it. He is also getting ready to fix the posting board on Colby Road.

Kathy Johanik reported the Kelly truck needed parts for heater and the guys are taking the wing and plow off getting ready for summer.

Clerk report – None.

Old business – None.

New business – Reminder of the annual meeting next Tuesday at 6 p.m. Reminder of Open Book/Board of Review coming up on May 3rd (3-5 p.m.) and May 21st (6-8 p.m.). Will be setting a date for road inspection sometime this week.

Public Input:  Marty Milanowski reminded everyone of the changes made by Zoning to increase prices of future building permits. Looking into possibly charging a fee to the public to rent the conference hall for parties or events.

Approve checks and pay bills – motion made by Kathy Johanik, seconded by Skip Radosevich. Motion carried.

Motion to adjourn – motion made by Kathy Johanik, seconded by Skip Radosevich. Motion carried.

Minutes prepared by Shannon Schneeberger, Clerk