July 2023 Agenda

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Town board Meeting 6:00 pm

Bayfield County Eileen Conference Hall


  1. Call Town Board meeting to order
  2. Pledge of Allegiance

III.          Review agenda items and identify town residents/landowners who wish to provide comment in public input.

  1. IV. Approve minutes from the June 13, 2023 regular meeting. V. Board Reports
  2. a. Treasurer report
  3. Supervisor report
  4. Skip-Facility Updates
  5. Kathy Equipment Updates c.        Clerk report-


VI          Old Business:

  1. a. None


VII          New Business:

  1. a. Enbridge Class A Conditional Use Permit Application b.  Open bids for Terwilliger Road resurfacing


VIII.           Public Input (3-minute limit) IX.              Approve checks and Pay Bills X.
