June 2024 Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, June 11, 2024 – Meeting Minutes

Started at 6:00 PM @ 28850 Eileen Town Hall Road, Ashland, WI 54806

Town of Eileen Conference Hall


Meeting called to order by Marty Milanowski, Chairperson. Pledge of Allegiance.


Board Members Present:

Marty Milanowski, Chairperson

Skip Radosevich, Supervisor

Kathy Johanik, Supervisor

Carol Pufall, Treasurer

Shannon Schneeberger, Clerk


3 attendees


Review of minutes from the May 14, 2024, regular meeting.

A motion to accept the May 14, 2024, minutes was made by Kathy Johanik, Skip Radosevich seconded the motion. Motion carried.


Treasurer report – Carol Pufall, Town Treasurer, gave an overview of the town’s finances. Checking account is at $112,901.37. Money market account is at $26,130.90. There is an error on the report – check 490 is not void. Carol requesting reimbursement for ink for her printer and a new keyboard for her computer she uses for the township. 


Supervisor report – Skip Radosevich had no updates to report. 

Kathy Johanik reported there was an electrical issue with the mower that had to be fixed. Randy is out hauling gravel on roads and George is out mowing roads. All other equipment is running well. We did receive gravel for the stockpile. 


Clerk report – None. 


Old business – None. 


New business – Approval of liquor licenses for both Black Bear/Quality Inn, and El Charro restaurant. Kathy Johanik made the motion to approve both liquor licenses, Skip Radosevich seconded the motion. Motion carried.  


Public Input:  Potholes on the town hall road need to be fixed. The August meeting is scheduled to be held on the same date as the Wisconsin primary election on August 13, 2024. Discussion of tentatively moving the regular board meeting to Monday, August 12, 2024, with final decision to be made at the July meeting. 


Approve checks and pay bills – motion made by Kathy Johanik, seconded by Skip Radosevich. Motion carried.


Motion to adjourn – motion made by Kathy Johanik, seconded by Skip Radosevich. Motion carried.


Minutes prepared by Shannon Schneeberger, Clerk