March 2023 Minutes

Town of Eileen

28850 Eileen Town Hall Road,  Ashland, WI 54806

Chairperson – Marty Milanowski (715) 746-2484                           Supervisor – Skip Radosevich (715) 682-6514

Supervisor – James Kmetz {715) 746-2292                                        Treasurer – Carol Pufall (715) 682-9168

Office-Donna Anderson (715) 209-8218

Tuesday  March 14,, 2023 Meeting Minutes

Started at 6:00PM @ 28850 Eileen Town Hall Road Ashland, WI 54806

Town of Eileen Conference Hall

Meeting called to order by Marty Milanowski, Chairperson. Pledge of Allegience.

Board Members Present:

Marty Milanowski, Chairperson- Skip Radosevich, Supervisor James Kmetz Supervisor

Carol Pufall, Treasurer

Donna Anderson Office

18 Attendees

Review of minutes from the Tuesday February 14, 2023 regular meeting.

A motion to accept the February 2023 minute  was made by Jim Kmetz and 2nd by Skip Radosevich. Motion carries.

Supervisor Jim Kmetz, requested that a change be made to the agenda. He stated the agenda could be changed with a consensus of the board in favor of the change. He cited his findings for this change in the Roberts Rules and Order. When questioned what he wanted changed he said he wanted to present a proposal from North Wisconsin Assessment Service for our towns real estate assessment.   He also wanted it voted on that night and that is what was not on the current agenda. James Kmetz made a motion to change the agenda to include voting on the proposal from North Wisconsin Assessment Service.  Skip Radosevich 2nd the motion. Motion carried.  A change was made to include voting on the proposal

Carol Pufall, Town Treasurer, gave overview of town’s finances. Checking account balance is $143,405.21. Money market account is at $25,422.83 and Covid recovery fund is at $30,646.83

James Kmetz:  Town Supervisor; The guys have been busy with plowing. Not much updates on equipment but there have not been any breakdowns.

Skip Radosevich,: Town Supervisor;  Skip and Jerry Peterson are finishing up the bathrooms.  Some staining will need to be done and lights and mirrors will be decided on in the next few weeks.

Donna Anderson Office. Voting will take place on April 4th. 2023.

Old Business:   None

New Business:  Mason and Jodi Niemi requested that they be able to present their reasons for a name change to Raspotnik Road. They were not present when the initial request was voted on and subsequently denied. Chairman Marty Milanowski informed them that this issue has been resolved but because they were not present at the meeting when it was voted on, as a courtesy, they could bring their reasons to the board.  Other than the fact they don’t like the present name they had no other reasoning to change the name. There is no other name in close proximity to this road to cause confusion with mail, emergency vehicles or delivery services.  Chairman Milanowski explained the town does not change a name on the roads in the town because it sets a precedent for any one moving into the town to apply to change a road name. The towns position stands.

Jim Kmetz brought a proposal from North Wisconsin Assessment Service for replacing our present town assessor, Badgerland Appraisal Service.  Chairman Milanowski stated that the current service with the town has had a twenty-year relationship, has charged a reasonable price, around $5500.00 per year, and has not charged extra for reevaluations.  If there is an issue with the property tax statement a resident can address it at the Open Book review.  If not resolved it can than go to the Board of Review. We have not had anyone come to the Board of Review in the years the present chairman has been on the board. Several residents were present to affirm positive interactions with Jennie Martin. Opponents to the present assessor voiced concern about the fairness across the board, intimidation, and fear of their taxes being raised more if they express concern.

Jim Kmetz presented the proposal from North Wisconsin Assessment and their proposal was $6,500 plus a $300.00 paperwork fee, $10,500.00 for more detailed analysis and $18,000.00 for reevaluation which is every 5 years. Some residents felt this should be explored more and calling for a vote was a hasty decision.

Jim Kmetz made a motion to accept the proposal from North Wisconsin Assessment Services.  There was no second to the motion and the motion died.

Jenny Sanders said she would set a date and go over any resident taxes with them if they wish.

Public Input: Jim Nemec wanted to commend the snow plow drivers on getting the roads cleared off.  Residents agreed with him that they have done a good job with an unprecedented amount of snow.

A motion to pay bills was made by Skip Radosevich and a Second by James Kmetz.  Motion carried

A motion to adjourn was made by James Kmetz and a second by Skip Radosevich. Motion carried.

Minutes prepared Donna Anderson Office