March 2024 Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, March 12, 2024 – Meeting Minutes
Started at 6:00 PM @ 28850 Eileen Town Hall Road, Ashland, WI 54806
Town of Eileen Conference Hall
Meeting called to order by Marty Milanowski, Chairperson. Pledge of Allegiance.
Board Members Present:
Marty Milanowski, Chairperson
Skip Radosevich, Supervisor
Kathy Johanik, Supervisor
Carol Pufall, Treasurer
Donna Anderson, Deputy Clerk
2 attendees
Review of minutes from the February 13, 2024, regular meeting.
A motion to accept the February 13, 2024, minutes was made by Kathy Johanik, Skip Radosevich seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Treasurer report – Carol Pufall, Town Treasurer, gave an overview of the town’s finances. Checking account balance was at $115,095.27 and Money Market at $25,956.89. February of 2025 will be the last payment on the grader lease.
Supervisor report – Skip Radosevich reported that the 2 furnaces have been installed in the Town Hall Conference Center. Everything is functioning as it should. Soap dispenser in ladies restroom was not working and needed to be reset. With no snow melt the garage sewage tank should not have water leaking back into it.
Kathy Johanik reported the guys are painting the boxes and straightening the cold storage. Jacks Road the dead end sign was missing and off of Kabasa Road the Torkko sign is missing. A list was made for the guys to check out and make repairs. The 1 ton has a recall and will be going in for repairs for that on the 18th. Work is being done to get the chipper running as there are branches in the ditches that need to be cleaned up.
Clerk report – Election is coming up April 2, 2024. Working on getting our SAMS registration so reimbursements can be submitted for the feasibility study from C & S Design. Chairman Marty Milanowski signed the form for the small bridge culvert program. The county wanted to know if the Town, County or an outside source will be doing the assessment. We elected for the town to do the assessment. The Chairmen will deliver this to Bayfield County.
Old business – None
New business – Chairman Marty Milanowski reported that there are changes made to the price of building permits for the county. Zoning has raised the fees for outbuilding to 20 cents a square foot. House permit rate will be at 75 cents a square foot. The county has hired 2 new inspectors in hopes to speed up the process of issuing permits and have raised the rates to compensate for those hires. A question was raised as to whether Fleet Farm was still coming into the Town. Chairman Milanowski reported that a feasibility study is being done now for water and sewer. Fleet Farm has bought the land and has all their permits but no date has been set as to when that occurs.
Public Input: – Ann Wickman asked if Sajdak Road will be blacktopped this summer. An estimate of $130,000.00 was obtained. Funds will determine if it is done this summer. There is interest in other residents to do their driveways if Sajdak is done.
Approve checks and pay bills – motion made by Skip Radosevich, seconded by Kathy Johanik. Motion carried.
Motion to adjourn – motion made by Kathy Johanik, seconded by Skip Radosevich. Motion carried.
Minutes submitted by Donna Anderson