November 2024 Meeting Minutes

Monday, November 11, 2024 – Meeting Minutes

Started at 6:00 PM @ 28850 Eileen Town Hall Road, Ashland, WI 54806

Town of Eileen Conference Hall

Meeting called to order by Marty Milanowski, Chairperson. Pledge of Allegiance.

Board Members Present:

Marty Milanowski, Chairperson

Skip Radosevich, Supervisor

Kathy Johanik, Supervisor

Carol Pufall, Treasurer

Shannon Schneeberger, Clerk

2 attendees

Review of minutes from the October 8, 2024, regular meeting.

A motion to accept the October 8, 2024, minutes was made by Kathy Johanik, Skip Radosevich seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Treasurer report – Carol Pufall, Town Treasurer, gave an overview of the town’s finances. Checking account is at $186,246.01. Snow plow money has been received for this upcoming year’s snowplowing contracts with a few more that will be added today that came in. Another shared revenue deposit will be coming in November. The board has requested new credit cards for Marty Milanowski, Skip Radosevich, and Shannon Schneeberger, as the old cards have expired.

Supervisor report – Everything is working properly with the exception of the septic leaking at the town garage. They are having to pump it monthly so suspect a leak and looking at possibly having it dug up in the spring to be repaired/replaced if needed.

Kathy Johanik reported the guys at the shop almost have everything winterized and ready.

Clerk report – The election went well. Total of 597 votes cast in the township with approximately 45 new voters registered the day of, and I mailed out 65 absentee ballots, so it was a great turnout. Poll workers did a great job considering the mass turnout.

Old business – None.

New business – None.

Public Input:  None.

Approve checks and pay bills – motion made by Skip Radosevich, seconded by Kathy Johanik. Motion carried.

Motion to adjourn – motion made by Kathy Johanik, seconded by Skip Radosevich. Motion carried.

Minutes prepared by Shannon Schneeberger, Clerk