September 10, 2024 – Meeting minutes

Tuesday, September 10, 2024 – Meeting Minutes

Started at 6:00 PM @ 28850 Eileen Town Hall Road, Ashland, WI 54806

Town of Eileen Conference Hall

Meeting called to order by Marty Milanowski, Chairperson. Pledge of Allegiance.

Board Members Present:

Marty Milanowski, Chairperson

Skip Radosevich, Supervisor

Kathy Johanik, Supervisor

Carol Pufall, Treasurer

Shannon Schneeberger, Clerk

16 attendees

Review of minutes from the August 12, 2024, regular meeting.

A motion to accept the August 12, 2024, minutes was made by Kathy Johanik, Skip Radosevich seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Treasurer report – Carol Pufall, Town Treasurer, gave an overview of the town’s finances. Checking account is at $189,660.55. Money market account is at $26,283.30.

Supervisor report – Skip Radosevich had no updates to report.

Kathy Johanik reported all equipment is working good. George and Randy have been out cutting. New exit signs were put up in the town hall.

Clerk report – The School District of Ashland has contacted me regarding an upcoming referendum that will be on the ballot in the November election. Amanda Tutor has sent me information on this and has asked to attend the next meeting in October to answer any questions. Handouts of this information were given at tonight’s meeting to attendees.

Old business – None.

New business – Mathy Construction conditional use application for temporary concrete and asphalt plant discussion was held. Concerns for road condition, times it will be operating, how many projects, health concerns, noise levels, dust levels, and environmental concerns addressed. Dr. Melissa Miller voiced concerns over potential health issues and property value issues. Motion to approve a temporary permit for Mathy Construction was made. Kathy Johanik made a motion to disapprove. Skip Radosevich made a motion to approve. Marty Milanowski made the tie-breaking motion to approve. Motion carried.

Marty gave an update on future public gun range on Highland Road. Conditional use permit would not be approved by the Township or County so the pursuit for permit was dropped.

Marty also gave an update on Bayfield County looking to hire 6 full-time EMTs, at the cost of $1 million to be funded by taxpayers with a tax increase proposal. As of now no date has been set for when the vote will be for this proposal.

Public Input: Kathy Johanik asked if our snowplowing contract was going to stay the same for this upcoming season. Marty confirmed that it will and new contracts will be printed and available at the town garage posting board as well as on the website at

Approve checks and pay bills – motion made by Kathy Johanik, seconded by Skip Radosevich. Motion carried.

Motion to adjourn – motion made by Skip Radosevich, seconded by Kathy Johanik. Motion carried.

Minutes prepared by Shannon Schneeberger, Clerk